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Anne Elisabeth Solsvik

Head of department for hospital and private laboratories

Anne Elisabeth Solsvik has been with the Norwegian EQA-organization Noklus since 2015. In recent years, she has served as the project manager for the newly launched patient-based EQA program, the Noklus Patient Median (NOPAM). She also leads the team responsible for distributing external EQA programs to Norwegian hospital laboratories. Additionally, she organizes training courses and oversees projects focused on harmonizing laboratory procedures and analyses.


Utilizing big data in quality assessment

Quality in Laboratory Medicine
Laboratory Results Fit for Purpose
7.2.2025 10:30 - 11:00 | Hall 208 - Aidian

In June 2024 the Norwegian Organization for Quality Improvement of Laboratory Examinations (Noklus) launched a patient-based global external quality assessment (EQA) program named Noklus Patient Median (NOPAM). The foundation for NOPAM is the vast number of patient results generated daily in laboratories. In total, 40 common measurands are included. When developing a patient-based EQA program, several factors must be carefully considered: the types of data to be collected, reporting routines, data quality, the number of participants, and the added value the program provides to participating laboratories. NOPAM can serve as a dynamic tool for monitoring analytical quality. The program can identify important differences between various instrument groups, types and methods, while also tracking advancements in monitoring harmonization and standardization efforts. For many analytes, as e.g. chloride, creatinine and FT4, results in NOPAM indicate that there is a lack of harmonization. A patient-based program eliminates the need for sample transportation, and participation in NOPAM can be offered to laboratories worldwide. Results found in NOPAM can for many common analytes be an important contribution to quality assessment and a complement to traditional EQA programs.